IPhone storage capacity varies and the smallest capacity is an iPhone with 16GB of memory. If you have a 16GB iPhone, you have to be smart to maximize memory so it doesn’t get full fast. Here are tips on maximizing storage memory on the iPhone.
Move Photos
A good iPhone camera is tempting to take pictures and capture moments. For memory not to be full, you can move photos to iCloud or Google Photo. You also have to be diligent to delete photos or videos that are not important. Don’t forget to delete it too from Recently Delete.
Use Streaming Song Services
There are now many applications for streaming songs that can be used such as Spotify or Apple Music. You can use the application to reduce saving songs in memory. Of course the application requires internet. Therefore, if you want to listen to songs offline, you can also download songs that you really like.
Only Install Important Applications
For you lovers of games, you must be able to refrain from installing many game applications. In addition, use the application efficiently and delete applications that have similar functions. You can also delete application data so that your iPhone’s memory is efficient by going to Settings — General — Storage — Delete Document & Data. You can also delete data from local media content such as photos sent via WhatsApp.
Clean Cache
The easiest cache contained in the iPhone that you can delete is from the browser history in Safari. In addition, you can also clear the cache by deleting incoming and outgoing SMS and phone log data. There are also many applications that can help you clear cache like PhoneClean. Restarting the iPhone can help clear the cache too, you know!
There is also a Flash Drive for iPhone that you can use to move files to external storage. One of the famous brands of Flash Drive that you can buy is iKlips, SanDisk iXpaand, Leef iBridge which has 16GB to 128GB of memory.